Diana Reuter-Twining
bronze on stainless
39 x 48 x 10 inches (L x W x D)
How better to show the athleticism of a dressage horse than to show it on a balance beam with a ballet dancer? I was able to bend the beam slightly, in order to emphasize the moment when the horse came down with his weight, balancing that of the diminutive dancer.

Diana Reuter-Twining
26 x 20 x 7 inches (L x W x D)
I chose to pay homage to dressage horses in general, and Maestro in particular. I discovered that proportionally the horse in this gesture approximated the Golden Ration or Divine Proportion made famous by Leonardo DaVinci in his famous drawing of "Vitruvian Man".

Peace Like A River
Diana Reuter-Twining
Bronze on stained wood base
18 x 24 x 15 inches (L x W x D)
This sculpture is a self portrait of me with one of my dogs. It is meant to reflect a moment of total tranquility and reflection and its title was inspired by the classic southern spiritual of the same title.

The Fox's Prophecy
Diana Reuter-Twining
Bronze on Stainless Steel Base
28 x 13 x 5 inches (L x W x D)
This sculpture is inspired by a poem of the same title, written anonymously in 1871. It successfully predicted the two Great Wars and the environmental disasters that were the result of the Industrial Revolution. The key hole houses the poem.

We Got This
Diana Reuter-Twining
18 x 24 x 12 inches (L x W x D)
Cutting horses are bred to be athletic. This mare is no exception. Given 2 1/2 minutes to cut several cows out of a herd, they are judged on how well they can keep them from returning to the herd, with no help from the rider. I chose the moment that the mare is totally frozen on the cow at hand.