37th Annual Roundup Exhibition & Sale, Museum of Western Art, Kerrville, TX
9/25/2020 - 10/31/2020
1. Guadalupe River Lilies
Darcie Peet
24 x 12 x 0.75 inches (L x W x D)
Blooming water lilies seen walking or biking the trail along the Guadalupe River, Kerrville, TX. For sale. $2900. Museum of Western Art 37th Annual Roundup Exhibition & Sale. Sept 26 - Oct 31. 830-896-2553, contact: dbeauchamp@museumofwesternart.com

2. Stormlight Glimmer
Darcie Peet
20 x 24 x 0.75 inches (L x W x D)
We started our hike from Swiftcurrent Lake on the east side of Glacier National Park. Our journey took us past Fishercap and Redrock Lakes where we joined a number of hikers for close-up, moose watching. Continuing along the trail following the gurgling stream and mini-cascades, we reached the end of the valley and Bullhead Lake. The previous night’s storm clouds were starting to break and swirl around the shrouded circle of peaks throwing bold patches and patterns of brilliant sun and shadow all around us. Across the lake we could barely make out thin filaments of long, tumbling waterfalls. Two hikers approached us from further up the trail and steep, Swiftcurrent Pass. The churning clouds which had created such a stunning setting for us, so reduced visibility high on the pass ahead, that the hikers chose to turn back out of safety. Propped on a perfect, flat boulder, we enjoyed a late trail lunch watching the constantly changing light and drama in front of us. For sale. $3900. Available at the 37th Annual Round-up Exhibition & Sale, Museum of Western Art, Kerrville, TX, Sept. 25 - Oct 31, 2020. 830-896-2553, dbeauchamp@museumofwesternart.com

3. Trails of Bluebonnet Blues
Darcie Peet
20 x 24 x 0.75 inches (L x W x D)
Meandering trails of Texas Bluebonnets and burnt orange, Indian Blanket Flower (gaillardia) spread across the rolling, spring countryside of Hill Country, Texas. For Sale. $3900. Available at the 37th Annual Roundup Exhibition & Sale, Museum of Western Art, Kerrville, TX, Sept 25 – Oct 31, 2020. 830-896-2553, contact: dbeauchamp@museumofwesternart.com

Blue Tranquility
Darcie Peet
11 x 14 x 0.25 inches (L x W x D)
Near Frisco, Colorado, a quiet, early morning walk along Lake Dillon’s, still waters, one looks into the sun which throws receding mountains into soft, muted shades of blue. Not even the geese are making a sound this serene morning. For sale. $1600. Available through The Broadmoor Galleries, 1 Lake Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80906. 719-577-5744, www.broadmoorgalleries.com/darcie-peet/ www.darciepeet.com

Sundown Beaver Ponds
Darcie Peet
11 x 14 x 0.25 inches (L x W x D)
As I cycle this setting regularly, I see this valley in all sorts of moods and seasons. A summer monsoon is breaking leaving fleeting, lost clouds and colorful reflections across beaver ponds that scatter down the valley near Copper Mountain, Colorado. For sale. $1800. Available through The Broadmoor Galleries, 1 Lake Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80906. 719-577-5744, www.broadmoorgalleries.com/darcie-peet/ www.darciepeet.com