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A Short Getaway

A Short Getaway

Mick B. Harrison
Oil on linen
30 x 20 inches (L x W)

Fly By

Fly By

Mick B. Harrison
Oil on linen
22 x 40 inches (L x W)
Contact Prairie Edge Gallery, Rapid City, SD. (605) 342-3086 (Ask for Teresa in the Art Gallery).

For The Brand

For The Brand

Mick B. Harrison
16 x 24 inches (L x W)

Horse Treats

Horse Treats

Mick B. Harrison
34 x 20 inches (L x W)
Contact Prairie Edge Gallery, Rapid City, SD. (605) 342-3086 (Ask for Teresa in the Art Gallery).

When News Traveled  By Coach

When News Traveled By Coach

Mick B. Harrison
24 x 40 inches (L x W)