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Cultural Symbols of American History

Cultural Symbols of American History

Helen F. Howerton
Acrylic on Canvass
14 x 14 inches (L x W)
The original Arkansaw Territory included huge herds of Buffalo. Native American tribes depended on these animals for multiple uses, with every part utilized to sustain existance: food, clothing, tipis, weaponry, tools, medicinal curatives and spiritual lives. Tribes moved 6 to 8 times a year, following the migration of the Buffalo, a historical symbol of endurance. The petroglyph drawings are historical records of the trials and hardship during territorial times. "Cultural Symbols of American History" was selected for inclusion in the Arkansas Territory Bicentennial Art Collection Juried Exhibition/Sale beginning in 2019 and traveling across AR and OK through 2020. It will open July 11-Oct.28th at the Leslie Powell Foundation Gallery, Lawton, OK. A 44 page hard back color collectible book is available too. Visit to view the book and the 85 works of art. "Cultural Symbols of American History" 14x14 framed with brass title plate $1,595.

Grizzly Encounter

Grizzly Encounter

Helen F. Howerton
Acrylic on canvas
18 x 24 inches (L x W)
Meeting a Grizzly like this one in the forest while hiking isn't just intimidating, but dangerous! However, the Grizzly depicted in this painting is harmless. It allows us to see the detail of his face and fur without any danger because he is captured in paint on canvas! The original is one-of-a-kind, never reproduced as a print. It is framed with brass title plate included. Available for viewing and purchasing online during the Women Artists of the West 50th Anniversary Show, "WAOWing the Wind River Valley". Physical show was cancelled at the Headwaters Art Center in Dubois, WY. View the entire show at: starting June 15th through July 30th, 2020. Contact the artist for FREE shipping! "Grizzly Encounter" 18"x24" framed $2,375.

Ready to Rumble

Ready to Rumble

Helen F. Howerton
Acrylic on canvass
10 x 20 inches (L x W)
This original is also included in the Arkansas Territory Bicentennial Juried Exhibition & Sale. The traveling exhibition will open in Lawton, OK on July 11th through Oct. 28th at the Leslie Powell Foundation Gallery. "Ready to Rumble" is 10"x20" Framed with brass title plate $1,195. Visit to purchase and see the entire exhibition along with hard back book.

Watchful Repose

Watchful Repose

Helen F. Howerton
Acrylic on Canvass
8 x 10 inches (L x W)
He waiting ever vigilant for the opportunity of another meal. The wolf is a fascinating resident of the forested wilderness. Beautiful to watch, the wolf is still a wild animal and not one to approach casually. They often hunt in the evening, but won't turn down a meal if presented with the opportunity. This small original has never been offered as a print. It is framed with a brass title plate. See it at during the Women Artists of the West online presentation of their 50th Anniversary All Member Show starting June 15th through July 30th, 2020. The physical show scheduled in Dubois, WY was cancelled. "Watchful Repose" 8"x10" framed is $675.